Ayurveda Sarvesham

Ayurveda Sarvesham

Monday, 14 January 2013



|| Ayurveda Sarvesham ||

" Ayurveda for all "

                                Ayurveda means "Ayushah veda Ayurveda" i.e. it is the holy science of life. For development, enhancement & globalization  of ayurveda in the world, we have planed to create a huge platform for online sharing of the ayurvedic information by experts, ayurvedic practitioners, ayurveda teachers, students & other faculty members as well. Later on, we will be coming with an offline magazine (printed version) as well with the standard authentication of ISSN (International Standard serial number) by NISCAIR. Hence, this will gain more & more importance in future and will serve as a guiding medium for students, teachers, post graduates, Ph. D scholars for educational as well as research purpose.
                          We will be sharing ayurvedic information in the form of case studies, research articles & other valuable experiences by practitioners & experts around the world who are dedicatedly working in the field of ayurveda. We have planned to make both our online & offline "Ayurveda Sarvesham" magazines as one of the huge platforms for sharing and earning the pure knowledge of ayurveda for ayurveda lovers spread worldwide. for the convenience of the same, we have linked our online magazine cum blog with all the social networking sites as well.
                        All the information related to various new articles published on this blog cum online magazine and in the offline magazine as well will be sent to all of those who will be registered with us. So it’s a sincere request to all to register with us with your details like full name, address, e-mail id, contact no. on our various online links provided below or on this blog.

Any queries or articles should be sent to ayurvedasarvesham@gmail.com


MS (Ayurveda) (Shalakya Tantra)

editor in chief,

|| Ayurveda Sarvesham ||

Role Of Suvarna prashana In Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. --- A Survey Study.



M.D Kaumarbhritya.(P.G.Scholar)

Guide & H.O.D.:

Prof.Dr. P.K.Dash.

MD, Ph.D Kaumarbhritya

Institution: Y.A. College. Kodoli,

Tal –Panhala Dist- Kolhapur, State – Maharashtra

Title - Role Of Suvarna prashana In Recurrent Upper

Respiratory Tract Infection. --- A Survey Study.


Pranavaha strotas disorders comprises of both URTI & LRTI .Among them URTI is very common due to various etiological factors which are encountered in day to day practice . Suvarna prashana has been said to be very effective in promoting Vyadhi kshamatva by acharya Kashyapa in Ayurveda . By going with this idea, we had started Suvarna prashana ,at Y.A.College Kodoli, 2 yrs ago. We made a survey of children who have recurrent URTI coming to our Suvarna prashana camp on Pushya Nakshatra.


1) To evaluate the efficacy of Suvarna prashana in preventing recurrent episodes of upper respiratory tract infections in children with the help of history taking.

2) To evaluate untoward effect of Suvarna prashana by taking history from parents.



Suvarna Prashana was described by acharya Kashyapa in kashyapa samhita sutrasthana ,‘Lehanadhyaya’ . According to him-

maQausaip-ByaaM laohyaot knakM iSaSauma\ I

sauvaNa-p`aSanaM *yaotnmaoQaaignabalavaQa-nama\ II


When Honey, Goghritha & Suvarna bhasma mixture is given to children, then their Immunity power, Agni & medha increases.In this regard modern science describes the properties of gold as-Gold is best metal for human body. Gold is the best medicine to improve immunity power in our body.


The drug used for Suvarna Prashana was prepared in 3 steps .

1) Preparation of Suvarna Bhasma.

2) Preparation of Bramhi Ghruta.

3) Preparation of Shuddha Madhu

All the drugs used for preparation Suvarnaprash bindu are showing properties such as Balya, Rasayana, Medhya, Grahanashana ,Swarakarini, Kasaghna ,Jwarahari etc.






· Children having recurrent episodes of upper respiratory tract infections (defined as >4 episodes of upper respiratory tract infections during the period 3 months prior to enrollment in the study)


· Children with immune -compressive disorder like HIV

· Children having > 4 episodes of lower respiratory tract and infections, requiring hospitalization in the past 6 months

· children receiving corticosteroids .

b) Methods :

A survey study of 100 children (1 month to 12 yrs) having recurrent episodes of URTI infections were grouped as A and B. children from group A received Suvarna prashana for 4 months and children from group B did not received Suvarna prashan.

During this period if any URTI episode occured in childrens from both groups, an appropriate treatment was given.

This camp was held at the OPD of Kaumarbhritya Dept. of Y.A.C.Hospital, Kodoli. The total no. of episodes of recurrent infections, overall well being and adverse events were assessed at every month.

1)Standardization of Raw Material & Drug

‘Suvarna Prashbindu’ had been prepared in R.S.B.K. Department of Y.A.C. Kodoli & The drug was standardized before and after preparation in the V.D.P.C. of pharmacy, Kodoli.

2)Clinical study The procedure was done as follows for 100 patients of ‘Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infection’.



No. Of Pt.


Route of administration







Suvarna Prashbindu


5 Drops of Suvarna Prashbindu up to age 5 years & above 5 years , 5 drops + 1 drop for each additional year, above 5 years of age.

For single day on every Pushya Nakshatra

Normal diet,proper hygienic condition & exercise of pranavaha strotasa

Group B


Not received Suvarna prashana




As above



Criteria Of Assessment is totally based on individual history of the child.

1) Total 100 children were assessed with following signs and symptoms for diagnosis of URTI -

a) Dry cough b) Fever c) Sore throat d) Running nose

e) No Wheeze or any added sound

2) Group A was assessed for no. of recurrent episodes of URTI before & after starting of suvarna prashana for 4 months.

3) Group B was assessed for no. recurrent episodes of URTI for same duration but without giving Suvarna prashan.

Data of individual 100 patients of URTI was collected from Suvarnprash & from daily OPD register ,case records of college hospital & also by history taking.


Following criteria was applied for assessment of total effect of therapy in both A & B groups.

1) Improved –Children having no or only one episodes of URTI in 3 consecutive months.

2) Unchanged- Children who were not fulfilling above criteria.

RESULTS : The obtained data was tabulated as follows.

a) FOR GROUP A – The results was



Total patients




















Episodes of URTI was reduced in 20% children within 4 months.

b) FOR GROUP B – The results was



Total patients




















Episodes of URTI was reduced in 8 % children within 4 months.

Statistical analysis

By considering the above data we applied CHI square test to draw a inference .The Obtained CHI square values are as

Calculated CHI square value

Table CHI square value




No significant



According to Rutu there might be variations in episodes of URTI & also Rasayana chikitsa (suvarna prashana) require long period for showing it’s best results .So by taking these two points into consideration we made a conclusion.


Suvarna prashana is not effective within short period in recurrent URTI . So here is need of prolonged study at least for one year, which includes all ‘Shadarutues’ and also the study must be conducted in more number of children



Author: Vd. Pallavi M. Gaikwad         Guide: Vd. K. K. Jadhav
M.D. 2nd year, Rasashastra                M.D. Rasashastra & Bhaishyajya Kalpana
                            Institute: S. S. A. M. Hadapsar, Pune.

egg shell - Copy


A view through modern paradigm, Kukkutanda Twaka (egg shell) is considered as a source of calcium. Calcium is found naturally only in compound form. Calcium constitutes 1.5-2% of the body weight, of which 98% is found in bones. A dynamic equilibrium is maintained between the calcium present in the blood and that present in the body skeleton. This equilibrium is maintained by interaction of vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and probably calcitonin.
Ionized calcium accounts for formation of bone and teeth, coagulation of blood, contraction of muscles, cardiac action, milk production, metabolism of enzymes and hormones, transformation of light to electrical impulses in retina, relay of electrical and chemical messages that arrive at the cell surface membrane.
Natural sources of calcium are milk, milk products, eggs and fish, green leafy vegetables, cereals and millets (ragi), drinking water, fruits. 20-30% of dietary calcium is absorbed.1 The ionized calcium in plasma is important in metabolism and disease. Effects of altered calcium concentration are – 1) Hypercalcaemia, 2) Hypocalcaemia. To overcome the need of calcium supplement in hypocalcaemia Kukkutanda Twaka Bhasma can be a better option.

To suggest an option of Kukkutanda Twaka Bhasma for calcium supplement.

To study Kukkutanda Twaka Bhasma – its preparation, as a Calcium supplement and its cost effectiveness.
To study hypocalcaemia and egg shell as source of calcium.

Review of Ayurvedic text - Kukkutanda Twaka Bhasma, other calcium supplements.
Review of modern text - Hypocalcaemia, egg shell as calcium supplement.
1 Preventive and Social Medicine, K. Park, P – 574.

It is a fundamental research. It is a conceptual study under which related Ayurvedic and modern literature is studied.

In Rasashastra Sudha Varga includes compounds containing calcium as its component in varying percentages. These can be used as calcium supplements. It can be again classified according to origin of material, as – 1) Inorganic, 2) Organic2
Inorganic material includes – Sudha, Khatica, Godanti, Shwetanjana.

Organic material includes –
Animal origin – Mukta, Shankh, Shuktika, Kapardika, Shambuka, Prawala, Samudraphena, Kurmaprushtha, Mrugashrunga, Ajasthi, Kukkutanda Twaka, Hastidanta.
Plant origin – Arjuna, Kumari, Surana, Arka, Kutaja, Karanja.

Traditional methods of use of Sudha:3

1) Make powder of material, triturate it with Lemon, Ananta, Nagarmotha, Kumari, Rose water, Gomutra (one of this), then dry it.
Use of Lemon and Gomutra can be explained as –
“An acid reaction in the intestine promotes calcium absorption by favoring solution of the calcium salts, where as an alkaline reaction precipitates calcium and decreases absorption.” P. B. Therapeutics (P.600)

2) Give heat to Sudha till it is puffed well, then powder it. This type of Bhasma is type of Lime only. As lime generates heat after soaking it in water, like that it can burn tongue as soon as it is splashed by saliva. It can cause mouth ulcer also.

3) Triturate preheated Sudha Kalpa with Kumari juice. Again heat it. Repeat process for 7-14 times. Then it can be used.
Marana of Sudha Kalpa is easy and there is less chance of Punarautthapana. So preparation of Sudha Bhasma is quite easy and Nirdosha, so there is no need of Nirutthana or Amrutikarana process.


Kukkutanda Twaka Bhasma:4
Patha – Vruddha Vaidya Patha

Contents – Egg Shell – 1 kg, Tak (Butter Milk) – 1 lit, Kumari juice – 1 lit

Method – Wash egg shells with clean water and soak them in butter milk for 24 hrs. Wash them again and powder it. Triturate it with Kumari juice once and give heat to prepare bhasma.

Output – In preparation of bhasma by this method we gain final product in half quantity of the raw material taken.

Properties – It works on Asthi Dhatu, Sweda, Danta. It is Vatanulomaka, Pittavardhaka, Kaphanashaka.

Rasa – Kashaya, Virya – Sheeta, Vipaka – Madhura

Use – It works well in osteoporosis, osteomalacia, marasmus, dental problems in children

Dose – 3-4 tablets (1 tablet = 200 mg)

Anupana – Milk, Honey, Shatavari Kalpa

Time – Morning and evening (empty stomach)

Viryatavadhi – 3 – 6 month

It is also indicated as Mamsa Vardhaka, Vajikara, effective in Shukra Vikara, Prameha, Swapnadosha and Pradara, Soma Vikara, in post natal period in females.5

Hypocalceamia: When the concentration of calcium ions falls below normal the condition is called as hypocalcaemia. In this nervous system becomes progressively more and more excitable which in turn elicit titanic muscle contractions (tetany). It may also cause convulsions.
Egg Shell as Source of Calcium: The chicken eggshell is 95-97% calcium carbonate crystals, which are stabilized by a protein matrix6. Eggshells present healthy, balanced calcium due to trace amounts of other minerals contained in it. One whole medium sized eggshell makes about one teaspoon of powder, which yields about 750 - 800 mgs of elemental (Elemental amounts are the amounts absorbable) calcium plus other microelements (27 in total). Eggshell calcium is probably the best natural source of calcium, and it is easier for your body to digest and absorb.
Dutch researchers have reported recently a highly positive effect of eggshell calcium (with added magnesium and vitamin D) on bone mineral density in a scientific study (double blind, placebo-controlled). Researchers at the Japan Women’s University, Tokyo studied a combination of
vitamin D3 and eggshell powder in animals with osteoporosis. It was able to improve bone mineral density without significantly increasing blood calcium levels. Most people require a minimum of 400 mgs per day (600 mgs by K. Park) of calcium, in addition to calcium from other food sources, so you would take 1/2 teaspoon of the powder per day. Wash empty eggshells in warm water until all of the egg white is removed, but do not remove the membrane because it contains important nutrients. Allow them to air dry thoroughly and grind them to into a fine powder. Store in a covered glass jar or container and keep it in a dry place. 1/2 teaspoon of powdered eggshell add the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Leave it at room temperature for 6 hours; do not leave it longer than 12 hours. It can be taken by the spoonfuls, followed by mouthfuls of water7.

This literature study provided view that Ayurveda have good number of options for calcium supplements in form of Sudha Varga.
Ayurveda drug processing provides greater bioavailability of drug so it can be preferred over modern calcium supplements.
Ayurveda also provides options for inorganic calcium supplements over which organic can be more preferred for their bioavailability.
Kukkutanda Twaka is cost effective, available in abundance and processing of its Bhasma is easy, safe. Its therapeutic use is easy, safe and supported by detail study in modern science also.
Use of Kukkutanda Twaka Bhasma may be superior to use of only egg shell + lemon juice, as Agni, Bhavana, and Marana Sanskara are done it. It increases fineness of particle which increases absorption, trituration with Kumari juice adds calcium present in Kumari too. This also increases Gamitwa, it acts as Guna Vardhaka.
Kukkutanda Twaka Bhasma can be better option as calcium supplement than other modern as well as Ayurvedic calcium supplements too.

2 Ayurvediya Rasashastra, Chandrabhushana Zaa, P – 446.
3 Ayurvediya Aushadhikarana, Part – 1, P. V. Dhamanakara. P – 321-322.

7 Bee Wilder, http://nourishedmagazine.com.au/blog/articles/how-to-make-calcium-using-egg-shells

From the editing desk..


                               This gives me an immense pleasure to publish the first ever post/issue of this online magazine cum blog on the occasion of Makar Sankranti today. “Ayurveda Sarvesham” is one of a kind online health magazine cum blog which is published online and will also be published offline as a printed version of the same at the middle of every month.

                               The magazine will include various sections for various topics like the articles on Ayurveda, modern system of medicines and other pathies, also articles related to case studies, research works, etc. from the practitioners and scholars in the field of Ayurveda

                               Though Ayurveda is an ancient science of life but it gets somewhat lesser response and respect than it deserves from the people in the society as compared with the modern system of medicines or other pathies, due to the lack of volunteers for practicing Ayurveda in its purest form or due to the defamation caused by the mal practitioners or the quacks.

                               Hence, the main purpose behind starting such a venture of an online magazine is to promote Ayurveda worldwide and encourage more and more volunteers and Ayurveda aspirants to read, write, experience and practice Ayurveda in its purest form.

                               I’m thankful to Vd. Jayawant Kharat who actually encouraged me for initiating such a venture and stood behind me. And I expect a huge response to this blog cum online magazine in future, for the better future of Ayurveda and healthy living of the mankind.


Dr. Viren Kolhe

Pre MD Scholar (Ayurveda) (Rog Nidan & Vikruti Vdnyan)

Founder & Co editor,

|| Ayurveda Sarvesham ||